Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find an overview or a summary of the cross-referencing process in Microsoft Word?

Please review the books "Creating Research and Scientific Documents Using Microsoft Word" (2013) and "Technical Writing for Teams: The STREAM Tools Handbook" (2010) for exact instructions on how to cross-reference figures, tables, equations, and citations. 

These resources also provide other great writing tips that may be beneficial for the aspiring graduate student.

How do I update all of my automated numbering, so that everything remains numbered in sequential order?

Highlight the entire document (control+A), and press F9 on your keyboard to automatically update field codes. 

Alternatively, you can highlight the entire document, right-click on the text, and click the "Update field."

I have a lot of citations... what should I do?

We recommend that you use dedicated citation managing software to manage all of your citations. One possible option might be EndNote.

How do I set up the cross-referencing process for equations?

The exact mouse clicks will vary based on the version of Microsoft Word. Every version of Microsoft Word has a slightly different user interface. However, the general process for cross-referencing equations is the same across all versions. 

If you're using Word 2013, 

How do I set up the cross-referencing process for equations?

How do I bookmark equations so that I can cross-reference them?

If you're using Word 2013, 

Add bookmark - 1

Bookmark equation - 1

Add bookmark - 2

Bookmark equation - 2

How do I refer to my equation in the body text of my paper?

If you're using Word 2013, 

Reference to equation

Reference to equation